You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

263 lines
9.1 KiB

// This code is completely based on the work of mheap on GitHub
// I just added the playlist parts and gzip
class track {}
class playlist {}
class iTunesLibrary {
private $_tracks;
private $_playlists;
* @param string $path to file, can be gzipped
* @param bool $getPlaylists
* @param int $maxPlaylistTrackCount
function __construct( $path, bool $getPlaylists = false, $maxPlaylistTrackCount = null) {
if($getPlaylists == true && $maxPlaylistTrackCount == null){
die("You must set a track limit if you want to get playlists\nE.g.\n\n " . '$oldLibrary = new iTunesLibrary($oldiTunesFile, true, 5000);');
if(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === "gz"){
echo "gzipped file, need to decompress\n";
// Check if zlib is enabled
if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
die('Error: Your PHP has no zlib support enabled.');
$fileContents = file_get_contents('compress.zlib://'.$path);
$fileContents = file_get_contents( $path );
$xml = simplexml_load_string( $fileContents );
foreach ( $xml->dict->dict->dict as $trackObject ) {
preg_match_all( "/\<key\>(.+)\<\/key\>\<.+\>(.+)\<\/.+\>/", $trackObject->asXML(), $matches );
$track = new track();
// get track properties
foreach ( $matches[1] as $key => $value ) {
$track->{ str_replace( " ", "_", $value ) } = str_replace( "&amp;", "&", str_replace( "\"", "", strval( $matches[2][$key] ) ) );
// add on Compilation, Purchased, Explicit bools
preg_match_all( "/\<key\>(.+)\<\/key\>\<(true|false)\/\>/", $trackObject->asXML(), $matches );
foreach ( $matches[1] as $key => $value ) {
$track->{ str_replace( " ", "_", $value ) } = $matches[2][$key];
$this->addTrack( $track );
if ($getPlaylists == true) {
// get playlists
foreach ($xml->dict->array->dict as $trackObject) {
$playlist = new playlist();
$tracks = array();
preg_match_all("/\<key\>(.+)\<\/key\>\<.+\>(.+)\<\/.+\>/", $trackObject->asXML(), $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $value) {
$tmpKey = str_replace(" ", "_", $value);
$tmpValue = str_replace("&amp;", "&", str_replace("\"", "", strval($matches[2][$key])));
// if the key is a track ID, add to our tracks array
if ($tmpKey == "Track_ID") {
$tracks[$tmpValue]["Name"] = null;
$tracks[$tmpValue]["Location"] = null;
$tracks[$tmpValue]["Artist"] = null;
$tracks[$tmpValue]["Album"] = null;
$tracks[$tmpValue]["Total_Time"] = null;
else {
$playlist->{ $tmpKey } = $tmpValue;
$playlist->{ "tracks" } = $tracks;
// add Name and Location, plus Artist, Album, time (for matching tracks with the same name) to playlist tracks
foreach ($this->_playlists as $playlist) {
// skip empty and large playlists (large count could be a variable I guess)
if (count($playlist->tracks)> 0 && count($playlist->tracks) < $maxPlaylistTrackCount) {
$msg = "[" . $playlist->Name . "] - Track count: " . count($playlist->tracks) . "\n";
printf("\033[32m%s\033[0m", $msg);
foreach ($playlist->tracks as $trackID => $trackValues) {
list($name, $location, $artist, $albumn, $totalTime) = $this->getNameAndLocationEtc($trackID);
$playlist->tracks[$trackID]["Name"] = $name;
$playlist->tracks[$trackID]["Location"] = $location;
$playlist->tracks[$trackID]["Artist"] = $artist;
$playlist->tracks[$trackID]["Album"] = $albumn;
$playlist->tracks[$trackID]["Total_Time"] = $totalTime;
// echo "playlist = " . var_export($playlist) . "\n";
* Get the track name and location for a specific track ID
* @param string $trackID
* @return array
private function getNameAndLocationEtc( $trackID ){
foreach ($this->_tracks as $track ) {
if($track->Track_ID == $trackID){
// echo "track = " . var_export($track) . "\n";
// in tests Name, Location and Total_Time were always present
return array(isset($track->Name) ? $track->Name : null,
isset($track->Location) ? $track->Location : null,
isset($track->Artist) ? $track->Artist : null,
isset($track->Album) ? $track->Album : null,
isset($track->Total_Time) ? $track->Total_Time :null
// could exit or log error here...
* Get the track ID and location for a specific track name
* Public as expected to be called to find the new ID
* in a new library, using the name from an old library
* @param string $trackID
* @param string $trackName
* @param string $totalTime
* @param string $artist can be null
* @param string $album can be null
* @return array
public function getIDAndLocation($trackID, $trackName, $totalTime, $artist, $album){
// error checks
if($trackName == null){
echo "track name null\n";
return array(null, null);
$potentialMatch= array();
foreach ( $this->_tracks as $track ) {
// echo "looking for: [$trackName], [$totalTime], [$artist], [$album]\n";
// match on as much as possible
if( $track->Name == $trackName &&
(is_null($totalTime) == false && $track->Total_Time == $totalTime) &&
(is_null($artist) == false && $track->Artist == $artist) &&
(is_null($album) == false && $track->Album == $album)
return array($track->Track_ID, $track->Location);
// if no match, construct some potential matches
$potentialMatch[$trackName]["TotalTime"] = $totalTime;
$potentialMatch[$trackName]["Artist"] = (is_null($artist) == false ? $artist : "NO ARTIST");
$potentialMatch[$trackName]["Album"] = (is_null($album) == false ? $album : "NO ALBUM");
// tmp vars
$tmpArtist = (isset($track->Artist) == true ? $track->Artist : "NO ARTIST");
$tmpAlbum = (isset($track->Album) == true ? $track->Album : "NO ALBUM");
// if track name, total time and artist match, grab the details
if ($track->Total_Time == $totalTime && $track->Name == $trackName && is_null($artist) == false && $tmpArtist == $artist) {
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["Type"] = "Name_TotalTime";
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["Name"] = $track->Name;
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["Track_ID"] = $track->Track_ID;
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["TotalTime"] = $track->Total_Time;
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["Artist"] = $tmpArtist;
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["Album"] = $tmpAlbum;
$potentialMatch[$trackName]['Match'][$match]["Location"] = $track->Location;
if ($match>0) {
echo "for: [$trackID], [$trackName], [$totalTime], [$artist], [$album]\n";
// choose best
// we know name, time and artist match
// choose first with an album?
// then if there is another match without an album
// use that
foreach ($potentialMatch as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value['Match'] as $k => $v) {
if($v['Album'] != 'NO ALBUM'){
if($v['Album'] == 'NO ALBUM'){
echo "match is now: [$tmpTrackID], [$tmpAlbum]\n";
return array($tmpTrackID, $tmpLocation);
// could exit or log error here...
echo "could not match: [$trackName], [$totalTime], [$artist], [$album]\n";
return array(null, null);
public function getTracks() { return $this->_tracks; }
private function addTrack( $track ) { $this->_tracks[] = $track; }
private function removeTrack( $__k ) { unset( $this->_tracks[$__k] ); }
public function getCount() { return count( $this->_tracks ); }
public function getPlaylists() { return $this->_playlists; }
public function getPlaylistCount() { return count( $this->_playlists ); }
private function addPlaylist( $playlist ) { $this->_playlists[] = $playlist; }
public function getStarRating( $rating ) {
switch ( $rating ) {
case 100:
return "*****";
case 80:
return "****";
case 60:
return "***";
case 40:
return "**";
case 20:
return "*";
return "";